I know we've technically already finished, but I thought I'd help out a bit and do Y as it appears we have missed it!
Okay, so my music taste is slightly different from Holly's, I tend to like the heavier stuff, as well as acoustics, but The Kooks is about as far as my indie toleration spreads!
So Y is for a band that I have recently started listening to, Young Guns!
Here's Wikipedia's description for some brief background;
'Young Guns are a British alternative rock band from Buckinghamshire and London, UK. On 22 June 2009 they released their debut EP Mirrors, and their debut album All Our Kings Are Dead was released a year later on 12 July 2010.
The success of the album and its singles to date has resulted in magazine covers, the band playing sell-out headline tours, as well as landing high profile support slots with Bon Jovi and Lostprophets. They have also played at many festivals (in both the UK and Europe), culminating in an appearance on the main stage at the Reading Festival, where the band shared a stage with the likes of Guns N' Roses and Queens of the Stone Age.'
They're all terribly good looking, and the lead singer is called Gustav, need I say more! Their label is 'Live Forever', an Oasis reference Holly will be pleased about I hope!
They're also touring in October time, so I'm hoping to see them, the tour dates are on their website!
So, you may be thinking they sound like a sweaty adolescent band that I have no interest in, or you may be thinking that they sound cool, and I'd like to hear some of this! Either way, I'm going to post three links, one in album version and one acoustic and one that's a bit inbetweeny so you have a choice if you know what you're going to be most impressed by;
Young Guns - Bones;
Young Guns - Meter and Verse (Acoustic);
Young Guns - There Will Be Rain (Acoustic Inbetweeny)
Thankyou very much if you read any/all of this, I hope somebody out there found it interesting!
Talk to you later!
Monday, 30 April 2012
Zooey Deschanel
One of mine and Hannah's favourite actresses - Zooey Deschanel.
What's not to like about this wonderful woman?
- Her name's spelt in a cool way, not like the normal Zoe that you see, but Zooey - it's just better! (No offence to anyone called Zoe that might happen to be reading this post)
- She played the title character in 500 Days of Summer, which is one of the cutest films there has ever been and therefore is also one of my favourites!
- She's the star of New Girl, and her character Jess is so dorky and cute!
- She looks like Katy Perry - this makes me jelly!
(Zooey's on the left)
And she's the lead singer of folk rock band She & Him. Folk rock! How cool is that?
She also has a blog hellogiggles.com
Friday, 27 April 2012
X Ray
I know it's a cliche, but X is a damn tricky letter! So here are some weird, amusing or just cool X Rays. No stuff up bums though.
Gotta love the internet, right?
Gotta love the internet, right?
Thursday, 26 April 2012
W is for My Wall
Hey so, I feel like a bit of a stranger! Sorry for my lack of input to this overall blog, but it's been a very busy and exciting time since I last blogged!

On this wall, I have my favourite bands, my favourite famous people, my favourite things in general - there are things such as train tickets and scrabble letters spelling about my nickname (Prawn), and even a monster munches bag!
I'll tell in more detail some of my favourite parts of the wall, that may or may not be in the version pictured.
- There is the page from my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with the Hogwarts crest on it, so I'll always remember how special that book and series is to me, and I'll never forget how it feels to be a little curly - haired girl who believes everything is magic.
- Lots of ripped out pictures of red lips, because of how much I like red lipstick!
- Many, many, many pictures of Hayley Williams, and her quote 'be unforgettable', because I think out of everything a girl could or is supposed to be, 'beautiful', 'classy', 'polite', 'graceful', 'clever', 'well - mannered', 'sensible', 'pretty', 'neat', I'd rather be unforgettable, and seeing that on my wall reminds me I have all of my life in front of me to make my mark and make sure I don't go down without a fight.
- A little pendant off of a perfume bottle that has the letters 'JP' hanging off of it, which are the initials of my wonderful boyfriend! He wasn't at the time I put it up, but I was being hopeful that one day I could call such an amazing human being mine, and I am the luckiest person in the world to now say I can! Along with our bus tickets and cinema tickets when we went to town to watch The Hunger Games and went scouting about in HMV then bought lots of Greggs cupcakes and left most of them (squished up of course) in a box on the bus, because they were surprisingly horrid!
- My map of the Province of Skyrim, purely because I love the game and to look a bit interesting, a map of a fantasy land! I think that's pretty cool!
- My ticket from when I went to watch Deathly Hallows Part 2 with my best friends for my birthday, what an amazing but emotional night, and one I won't ever forget!
- My massive Paramore poster, which I think looks so optimistic and open, it makes me feel a lot better when I see it, it just looks so hopeful! Not to mention Paramore are my very favourite band (in case you didn't know).
- A 'Topshop Petite' lable, just to remind myself I can fit in Topshop Petite!
There's so much more, but I want to keep some of it a mystery, I like the idea of it being my own little secret! I hope you found this remotely interesting, or it has inspired you in some way!
Thankyou for reading, or skimming, talk to yous later!
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Urban Outfitters
Following the theme of the earlier River Island and Schuh posts, here are my picks from Urban Outfitters.
(Bustier) £42
(Cardigan) £58
(Cardigan) £48
(Jeans) £50
A to Z Challenge,
Urban Outfitters
Monday, 23 April 2012
Tales of a shopping trip
As some of you may not have known, I went shopping on Saturday. It was a relatively unsuccessful trip, given that I purchased no new clothes, however my mum might consider this to be a success.
I also found an amazing fast food outlet called GO that made the best individual pepperoni pizza that I have ever had (better than Pizza Hut Express, let me tell you) It was absolutely divine. They also serve baguettes, so it's kind of a Subway-meets-Pizza-Hut-Express thing, but it's ten times better.
Now on to my purchases!
Pretty boring I know, but I was in desperate need of some more compact powder, as I think this is only the second one that I have ever owned. It's annoying that you don't get a compact puff thing with the powder though - what do they expect you to do?
Superdrug £3.99
The third in the series of worldwide phenomenon, The Hunger Games. Don't tell me the ending! If you've not heard of The Hunger Games, you must have been living in a cave - check out our earlier post on the franchise here.
Waterstones £7.99

It's shampoo - I promise. It's a solid shampoo bar from Lush (don't worry, you only have to buy one at a time) and apparently you get 80 washes from one bar - not bad value at all! It's supposed to stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth.
Lush £5
Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare.
It was in the 2 for £10 rack at HMV, and considering that I've wanted this album for about three years (but it's actually five years old) I thought it was high time that I invested.
HMV - £7 each or 2 for £10
Although I have linked each product to their website, I am aware that some of the prices are different than the ones I have stated. I have stated the price that I paid on Saturday for each product in store, prices may differ online.
A to Z Challenge,
Make up,
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Schuh has to be my all time favourite shop. I like it more than Topshop, there, I said it, okay?
Admittedly, as you could guess by the name, it only sells shoes and a few bags - but they are the most beautiful shoes I have ever come across in all my life, and they're all held within one room. As you can imagine, they're damn expensive shoes - so I will not be buying any today - boo!
However, here are my picks, for if I ever get a job and can afford such beauty.
I daren't even total it all up!
Admittedly, as you could guess by the name, it only sells shoes and a few bags - but they are the most beautiful shoes I have ever come across in all my life, and they're all held within one room. As you can imagine, they're damn expensive shoes - so I will not be buying any today - boo!
However, here are my picks, for if I ever get a job and can afford such beauty.
I daren't even total it all up!
Friday, 20 April 2012
River Island
As I'm going shopping tomorrow, it only makes sense to have a quick look on the internet so I have some idea of what I want to buy. But as it's R day, I'm going to limit myself to River Island.
Holly's pick:
Holly's pick:
Thursday, 19 April 2012
In order for you to learn a little more about me, I've taken one of those questionnaires you can find on the internet, designed for Facebook and Tumblr pages.
1. State your name:
Holly Are
2. State the name that your parents almost named you:
3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?
My mum and my cousin, Sally
4. What was your first job?
Never had one, still hunting!
6. Did anything embarassing happen this week?
More than likely, but I can't think of anything right now.
7. Do you miss your ex?
Not at all! We went out in Year 6, and he's a good friend now.
8. Do people praise you for your looks?
Not really, no.
9. What is your favorite colour of clothing to wear?
Probably black. I know that sounds really morbid, but I think it looks nice because it contrasts with my pale skin.
10. How do you wear your make up?
If any, it's just natural looking make up, half the time people don't realise I'm wearing it.
11. What are some of your nicknames?
Crabs, Voldy Gorm, Hol.
12. How many bedrooms are in your house?
13. How many bathrooms?
14. Do you have a job?
No, I really want one though!
15. Do you have a car?
No, I can't wait to get one though!
16. Do you work out every week?
I don't work out at all.
17. Did you brush your teeth this morning?
18. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?
No, is that boring of me?
19. Have you ever sang in front of a crowd?
Yes, at my Year 4 Christmas concert; me and this other girl had to sing the first verse of "The Holly and the Ivy" all on our own.
20. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
I've got a black Speedo swimming costume, and a Fat Face bikini with navy short bottoms and a navy and teal flowery top.
21. Do you like your eyes?
I think they're a little small, but I like the colour, even though it matches poo.
22. Do you think you are pretty?
God no.
23. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My mum
24. How much money is in your checking account?
I don't have an account, but I have just over ten pounds to my name.
25. Are you single?
26. Do you want kids?
One day, in about ten years time!
27. Tell me what your back pack looks like:
It's blue and flowery.
28. What celebrity do you think is hot?
Alex Pettyfer
29. Last movie you saw in theatre:
Bel Ami.
30. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?
Yes, we got together last summer.
31. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?
32. Have you ever cheated?
No, I couldn't do that - just end it if you're unhappy!
33: Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
34: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Go on the internet, draw, read, watch TV, make things...
35: What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you?
My boyfriend gave me his Ghostbusters shirt because it was the first film we ever watched together.
36: Who was the last person you texted?
37: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have?
Two - how boring am I?
38: How do you look right now?
Like absolute poo.
39: Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”?
My boyfriend of course!
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