It is that time of again, the sound of crunching taffeta and the blinding light of fake diamonds is almost unavoidable with the yearly plastering of prom photos on social networks.
But it doesn't always have a fairytale ending (especially when the dress is wider than the entrance of the venue).
Here are our worst prom dresses, it's not harsh if it's true...
Arrogant Cat London Satin Panel Dress
ASOS Molly Goddard Embroidered Long Sleeve Smock Dress
ASOS Cut Out Shoulder Dress With Ruffles
TFNC Skater Dress In PU With Plunge Neck
Oh My Love Bodycon Dress with Ring Detail
ASOS Maxi With Lace And Cami Strap
Love Maxi Dress In Stripe
This song has been playing on Capital FM (the awful radio station that I am forced to listen to in Photography, would it kill Miss to put Grimmy on in a morning?) for a while now and whenever I hear it it makes me incredibly angry.
"She can't sing, she can't dance, but who cares? She walks like Rihanna"
What kind of message is this sending out to girls, especially the young audience that bands like The Wanted and One Direction appeal to? They're basically saying that a girl can get by having no talent or skills, all she needs is to look good. It's also not sending out a great message to boys either: if a girl is fit, that's enough.
Society judges everyone on their appearance, and I'm sure that none of our are exempt from judging someone or being judged ourselves based on looks alone... but when songs like this are practically encouraging the idea that looks are all that counts, what hope do us mere mortals have? Maybe that seems hypocritical coming from the writer of a fashion blog, but I am a big believer in the fact that beauty must have substance, and in the words of John Green
I realise that this may seem a bit over the top and like I'm reading far too much into it and maybe it is just another dumb pop song... but music has a big impact on a lot of people's lives and who is to say that this is any different?
Okay, so I admit that the jacket isn't really vintage... it's my mum's. But she did buy it in the 90's so technically it is still vintage, but vintage sounds a whole lot cooler than "borrowed from my mum" doesn't it?
We are beginning to write our personal statements for university applications at school now, which is a very daunting process because 1) I am not good at talking myself up and 2) I don't have any hobbies that a university would really approve of; my free time consists of scrolling Tumblr, watching TV, baking and reading magazines.
I do enjoy writing though, which is why I'm considering an English degree in which I can choose certain modules which include creative writing. The whole reason I began this blog in the first place with my good friend Hannah was to get my voice out there and get some writing practise in, bloggers are always getting featured in Company magazine and I think it's a great place to start.
I hope you're all good, and if you have any tips for applying to university I'd very much like to here them!
Well, firstly I would like to say a huge sorry for not posting for almost a month, that is not good blogging practise I know, but exams have to come first and they're all out of the way now for another year so I can focus on things I actually enjoy, like baking, blogging and going out.
I wish I could tell you that so much has happened over the last month, but to tell you the truth my life has been consumed by exams and revision, which is why I thought a short break from blogging may be a good idea, it's not as if I would have had a whole lot to talk about.
Firstly though, I have actually got a job! You may remember Enthalpy Change of Formation where I complained that I went to enquire about a job vacancy and wasn't successful. WELL the woman rung me up at 7 o'clock last night and asked me if I could start at 10 o'clock this morning! It is only pot washing at the weekend but money is money and it's in a really nice place, a lovely little coffee shop overlooking the canal. I also get to choose which of the homemade delights I would like for my dinner (and get it for free) and then get to take home a load of left over cakes and pastries at the end of my shift, so I can't complain.
I have also managed to acquire the new Paramore album (by that I mean I borrowed a copy and imported it onto my iTunes) I think it is a really good album and cannot decide what my favourite song is! Hayley Williams is just perfection in every way.