Looking through my Lookbook posts for photos from each month, I realised that I do the same poses in almost every photo! And I really should find more interesting backgrounds than my bedroom wall... maybe "take better outfit photos" should be one of my resolutions?
January - February - March
I have to admit that this probably wasn't the greatest time for me. I hated sixth form the point where I was seriously looking into going to college instead, but I'm much happier now so I'm glad I stuck it out. And look how short my hair is! It's grown so much this year.
April - May - June
This was a pretty stressful time for me because of all my revisions and exams, and it's going to be even worse next year when my results will determine if I get into university or not. But it was also a very lovely time because we had all that gorgeous weather, and going to school is so much more bearable when you can show up in a floral playsuit.
July - August - September
I was pretty happy over the summer, my results came through (AABC) which I was very happy with, I spent quite a lot of time with friends and family and everything just seems so much pleasanter when it's sunny. Ofcourse there was the dreaded back-to-school but as it was my last one ever I was almost excited to get it over with and run away to university.
October - November - December
I was very happy this year because I went to two Halloween parties, giving me the opportunity to dress up twice - I do love fancy dress. I also got my UCAS application sent off and received offers from everywhere that I applied so I was able to make my firm and insurance choices. I turned 18, had my first "night out" and had a wonderful Christmas. I am also looking forward to New Year's Eve tomorrow because it's the first year that I will have done something to celebrate, rather than just watching TV.
2013 was downright messy in places, but it has most certainly had its perks. I'm really looking forward to 2014: freshers, leaving school, a long care-free summer, I'll hopefully pass my driving test and maybe save up enough money to go on holiday somewhere.
See you in the new year!