Sunday 6 January 2013

My splatter art necklace

The other day I posted a tutorial that I found on PS I Made This to make a splatter art necklace, and today I made my own version.

I started out with this not unpleasant £3 necklace from Primark - the key thing to look for is something with a strong shape and something fairly flat that the paint can easily and evenly cover. I then taped over the chain and the beads that separated the triangles to minimise the amount of paint that went on to them.

Then came the fun part - flicking paint! 
I used ordainary poster paint which you can buy from Wilko's. I found that the brushes that worked best were the ones with bristly, erm, bristles, rather than the softer ones, but using a variety of brushes helps create a cool effect.

Here is the final product:

All credits for the idea and how-to go to Erica Domesek at PS I Made This.


  1. That's such a rad and unique DIY! Keep posting great stuff! :)


    1. Thankyou Morgan! I used to make stuff quite a lot but got out of the habit thanks to all my school work haha, we'll be sure to check out your blog! xx

  2. Aww it's lovely! :D xx

    1. Aww thankyou so much Amy!I've not worn it yet, I think I need to wear it with something plan haha xx
