Yes, we've been nominated for a second Liebster Award by the lovely Fiona over at Fiona Withrington but since we did a post not too long ago we're going to skip the random facts and nominations, anyone reading this is more than welcome to make their own post as we will be giving questions :)
Holly's answers
1. What's your favourite band/artist?
Hmmm.... I'd probably have to say Florence and the Machine, but I do love Arctic Monkeys and Mumford and Sons too.
2. What is your dream job?
Either to write novels or work for Company magazine!
3. Where would your dream place to live?
London, if I could afford it! I'd also like to live in Paris for a year and I'd emmigrate to Australia if it wasn't so far away!
4. Why did you decide to start blogging?
Me and Hannah just wanted an outlet for our thoughts, also as I want to be a writer blogging seemed like a good way to get some practise in.
5. What is your favourite book?
Oooh, tricky one! I would probably have to say Looking For Alaska just because it is so beautifully written and it's a love story without being too fairy tale like, which I'm beginning to grow out of a little, it's so unrealistic!
6. If you could be any fictional character, who would it be?
Can I have someone from a movie? I love Summer from 500 Days of Summer, even if it was just so that I could look like Zooey Deschanel!
7. What is your favourite thing to eat?
Toasties, yum.
8. How old are you?
17, but I feel about 14!
9. Are you at college/uni? If so what do you study?
I'm at sixth form studying English Language, Psychology, Photography and Chemistry and I absolutely hate it.
10. Are you creative? If so which is your favourite medium?
I like to think I am, but not so much in a drawing-and-painting way, I like photography and uploading things on Lookbook, I also really like making collages, even if that does seem a little childish.
11. Where's your favourite place on the planet? (which you have been to)
I've not travelled far at all, so probably the nicest place I've ever been is York, I just think it's so pretty and the shops are great, Topshop is huge!
Hannah's answers
1. What's your favourite band/artist?
Blink 182, I just love them! But I also like New Found Glory a lot too right now.
2. What is your dream job?
To make art (whatever kind) and be creative everyday.
3. Where would your dream place to live?
I love living where I do now, definitely in-land England. But I also love the idea of Iceland, Austria and America.
4. Why did you decide to start blogging?
We just thought that people would find us as funny and cool as we find us! I'm joking, to have a place to write and discuss our interests I think!
5. What is your favourite book?
Oghhh, I really love the Eragon series still, but the last Hunger Games book, (Mockingjay), made me cry because I just get so attached to characters, oh I don't know!
6. If you could be any fictional character, who would it be?
This is such a hard question! Everyone I like has some gruesome or horrid past or fate, which I wouldn't want. I'd want to be an elf or someone magical, I'm gonna say Arwen from Lord of the Rings as she lives a long and interesting life and finds true love.
7. What is your favourite thing to eat?
Pizza, pizza, pizza!
8. How old are you?
16, I terribly mediocre age!
9. Are you at college/uni? If so what do you study?
At Sixth form, doing Art, English Language, Psychology and Applied Business.
10. Are you creative? If so which is your favourite medium?
I'd like to think so! I like doodling/illustrating the most as it is quick and fun.
11. Where's your favourite place on the planet? (which you have been to)
I love Centre Parcs in Sherwood Forest so much, I don't know why, it's just being among the trees and feeling like you are in the wild.
Our Eleven questions:
- What is your favourite thing to take photos of?
- How tall are you? Do you like your height?
- What are your favourite shoes to wear?
- Are you in a relationship? If not, do you want to be?
- What is your biggest fear?
- If you had to leave your hometown, where would you go?