Hey, I thought I would find a Tumblr style survey to answer for today's post, just so you can get to know us a little better - especially for the new followers we have gained through the challenge!
1. State your name:
2. State the name that your parents almost named you:
They almost called me Jordan, and if I was a boy I would have been called Ben.
3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?
Other than my mum, probably my cousin Sally. We're similar in lots of ways, except she's ten years older than me.
4. Did anything embarrassing happen this week?
I stalled at the lights on my driving lesson and there were loads of people behind me, I hate it when that happens.
5.Do you miss your ex?
6. White chocolate or dark chocolate?
7. Do people praise you for your looks?
Not often, but it's nice when they do
8. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
It sounds really morbid, but I like wearing black
9. How do you wear your makeup?
I mostly go for a natural look: tinted moisturiser, concealer, blusher, powder and mascara for school, then eye shadow and eye liner when I go out at weekends
10.What are some of your nicknames?
I've had loads in the past, but they never seem to stick too long - Crabs is probably the latest one. I got called crabs because I can be rather snappy when I'm in a bad mood (I just wanted to clear that one up!)
11. How many bedrooms are in your house?
12. How many bathrooms?
One - it's a nightmare
13.Do you have a job?
No, but I desperately want one, I'm sick of being poor!
14. Do you have a car?
No, I haven't even passed my driving test yet
15. Do you work out every week?
I don't work out at all.
16. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?
No, is that really boring?
17.Have you ever sung in front of a crowd?
If by "crowd" you mean a church at my Year 7 Christmas concert, then yes
18. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
I've got a Fat Face bikini which I love
20. Do you think you are pretty?
Not at all
21. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My dad
22. How much money is in your account?
£10, it's awful
23. Are you single?
24. Do you want kids?
Yes, in about ten years time!
25. Tell me what your backpack looks like:
It’s flowery with brown leather edging
26. What celebrity do you think is hot?
Alex Pettyfer in Wildchild
27. Last movie you saw in theatres?
Oz: The Great and Powerful
28. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?
29. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?
No, atleast not that I know of
30. Have you ever cheated?
No, if you're unhappy then just end it - why waste each other's time?
31. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
32. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I read, write and bake
1. State your name:
2. State the name that your parents almost named you:
I would have probably been called Henry if I was a boy
3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?
My brother, my mum and dad, my grandma and grandad, and my kinda cousin Sophie
4. Did anything embarrassing happen this week?
Me and this guy from sixth form turned up in the same t-shirt...
5.Do you miss your ex?
6. White chocolate or dark chocolate?
7. Do people praise you for your looks?
Not very often, but my family have got this weird thing about my hands
8. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
Purple, teal or black
9. How do you wear your makeup?
I wear foundation and mascara, then sometimes either with a flick of liquid eyeliner or a bit of brown eyeshadow
10.What are some of your nicknames?
Prawn, cos I don't like prawns
11. How many bedrooms are in your house?
12. How many bathrooms?
13.Do you have a job?
No but seeking, harder than it sounds!
14. Do you have a car?
Noooo but I want to be able to drive and have one so bad
15. Do you work out every week?
I went jogging this week, and hope to continue every week
16. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?
No, don't really like doing stuff like that, I wouldn't want to think that loads of people 'had tried me out'
17.Have you ever sung in front of a crowd?
Not since I was about 11
18. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
I have a fat face costume, but hoping to stretch out to a bikini this year (get your blindfolds out)
20. Do you think you are pretty?
No, I'm trying to though
21. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My brother
22. How much money is in your account?
Ten pounds hahaha
23. Are you single?
Yes, happily
24. Do you want kids?
Yeah, but not for a long time yet
25. Tell me what your backpack looks like:
It's a canvas shoulder bag with a print of like forest animals in watercolour on it
26. What celebrity do you think is hot?
Billie Joe Armstrong from Green day, to name but one
27. Last movie you saw in theatres?
Oz: The Great and Powerful as well!
28. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?
29. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?
Not that I know of haha
30. Have you ever cheated?
No, I'd never do that, I'd end the relationship long before it came to it
31. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
32. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I draw/paint, play guitar/piano/attempt drums, read, write, watch movies, play games, take photos, from this week onwards - jog, search cool shit on the internet